
Anaphylaxisisaserious,potentiallyfatalallergicreactionandmedicalemergencythatisrapidinonsetandrequiresimmediatemedicalattention ...,Chloramphenicolisabroad-spectrumantibioticthatinhibitsproteinsynthesisinbacteria,preventingtheformationofpolypeptidechains.,Metalsarethemostimportantcontactallergenswhichaffectchildrenwhoaresensitizedearlythroughclothingandespeciallythroughtheuseofearrings.The ......


Anaphylaxis is a serious, potentially fatal allergic reaction and medical emergency that is rapid in onset and requires immediate medical attention ...

Chloramphenicol - an overview

Chloramphenicol is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that inhibits protein synthesis in bacteria, preventing the formation of polypeptide chains.

Contact sensitivity to metals (chromium, cobalt and nickel) in childhood

Metals are the most important contact allergens which affect children who are sensitized early through clothing and especially through the use of earrings. The ...

f216 Cabbage

Among 17 patients allergic to Cabbage, most showed associated sensitisation to Mugwort pollen, Mustard, and Peach.

History of the World Allergy Organization

History of the World Allergy Organization: In 1951, the leaders in allergy from all over the world came together to form the International ...

Jarischův roztok

Jarischův roztok čili Jarischova voda (latinsky solutio Jarisch) je roztok kyseliny borité s glycerinem rozpuštěné v demineralizované vodě.

Methicillin | C17H20N2O6S | CID 6087

It has a role as an antibacterial drug. It is a penicillin and a penicillin allergen. It is a conjugate acid of a methicillin(1-). ChEBI.

National Pharmaceutical Regulatory Agency (NPRA)

NPRA mission is to safeguard the nation's health through scientific excellence in the regulatory control of medicinal products and cosmetics. REGISTER YOUR ...

[PDF] Skin markings in teletherapy planning for post operative breast ...

Abstract. The aim of this study is to improve the retentivity of the skin markings in patients of post operative breast cancer undergoing radiotherapy.